Ever wanted to be a part of something bigger than you? Volunteer with us.
There are projects, camps, teams and more to get involved in. Whatever you have in your hand to offer, bring it to the table.
Everything involved in volunteering at Narrows revolves around the fellowship of a giving community. Nothing beats giving of yourself.
It's a great opportunity to see what Christian leadership looks like everyday. You'll be involved in camp life, community events, Biblical training and opportunities to outwork it all.
It's a unique opportunity that only Narrows offers across either a half or full year.
If this sounds like you, apply online or contact us for more information.
If you're keen to be invovled in the ministry of Narrows in some way, contact us.
022 425 3526
Partner in the Ministry
Community events require volunteers and funding.
To volunteer your time or resources, contact us now and join us in the most rewarding work, work with meaning.
We have plenty on, there's always a need for hands, machines, materials you name it. This place is well used by generations of people.
Contact the office today, we're ready for you.
As part of our leadership farm concept, we're focussed on raising up a generation who know how to contribute well to their communities.
We teach from the Word of God focussing on character development, wisdom and using what you have to make a difference for good.
You can help by funding this ministry with a single gift or a weekly contribution.
A camp at Narrows can be a life changing experience for kids physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Your contribution ensures this work continues.
build a narrows for the future
Every project has financial costs. If you have the means to support projects in this way then we'd love to partner with you. We match up financial donations with willing manpower to see projects happen.
Narrows Park is a registered charitable trust so all gifts are tax deductible.
We are currently looking for tradesman to help with projects to ensure we meet health and safety requirements. Volunteers of any skill level are also always welcome to join a project.
If you are in the trades or construction industries and have capital resources to donate or expertise to volunteer please contact us for details of current projects.
Narrow Park is 27 acres and in constant need of maintenance including future proofing the infrastructure and grounds.
Contributing resources is a great way to give with minimal cost, but it means a great deal to us. It often means the difference between being able to see projects through to completion or not as part of Health and Safety regulations.
Sponsorship and donations qualify for a tax deductible donations receipt. Please contact the office with your details.
Make a way for the next generation
Narrows Park is committed to effecting generations of Kiwis with the gospel of Christ. We have been actively carrying on this charitable work since 1953.
Tee focus is on training and equipping the next generation of Christians to face and engage the world effectively as image bearers of Christ through a camping platform.
One way you can be a part of this is to fund and resource the programs that will deliver to the next generation of Narrows leaders by leaving a gift in your will.
There are a number of different ways to remember us in your will, depending on your circumstances:
Residuary gift: a gift that allows you to leave Narrows Park a percentage of your estate after considering your loved ones.
Pecuniary gift: a gift that allows you to leave a specific amount of money to Narrows Park.
Specific bequest: a gift left to Narrows Park which can be things like money, property, or stocks and shares.
Should you wish to include Narrows Park in reference to any legacy bequest please include our registered details as the naming party;
Narrows Park Charitable Trust CC62704
Narrows Park Ministry Trust
442 Airport Road, RD2, Hamilton
New Zealand 3282
Phone : 022 425 3526
Trust Board Chair